Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rehearsal Notes - Sock of Love

Okay, so there were a few issues. The first of which was that we didn't have a revised script for the actors quite yet (which we made sure to tell them). Another issue was the fact that we couldn't manage to book them all for the same day. Still, the results seemed pretty promising even with a few bumps in the road.

Watching them all perform, it is clear to see that Stephanie (Victoria) has had some theatre experience. In theatre, people are taught to exaggerate movements, speech, etc., so they can reach the audience seated sometimes 50-100ft away. I've seen it many times when I was in high school, hanging around people who were in casts in plays and musicals. We might have to be careful when it comes to filming. The over exaggeration, though, should be just fine given the relative absurdity of the content. I'm pleased that we were able to get people with acting experience. Paul also seemed to be an excellent choice for both the voice and the puppeteer. Christi (Julie) seemed to bring a whole different kind of presence to the room. Since I believe that she has had relatively little experience acting, her reactions were quite natural. She really took the scene to a whole new level with all her little gestures and natural take on the script. As a group, we would have liked to get them all in the same room, but at least we have an idea what we're dealing with now.

We discussed placement of the sock puppet in relation to Victoria (usually closer to her). We also discussed that the sock's mouth should move in different shapes if possible.

As far as filming goes, we have a lot of coverage shots planned that we didn't film in rehearsal (and what we got from wide shot was relatively crummy in itself). We are also going to have to move the camera more smartly to pick up the actors' facial expressions. Another blip was the fact that Paul accidently was seen during the office part. We're going to have to be more careful. As a whole, things will go more smoothly once we have the proper equipment, the actual locations, and the fully revised script.

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