Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just thinking

So I've been thinking. Deciding to be a Digital Cinema major there are two things I would really like to see happen before I graduate.

The 1st is: It would be awesome to have a set design class. Somewhere where you learn to really build that room into what you want it to look like, perhaps even learn to build stage props and backgrounds out of various materials. (Me and my roommate agree that we would both like to take this class...)

The 2nd is: My roommate is a illustration major, so I hear all the time about how they have to do a Junior project with a photo student & a graphic design student. Now, I know I'm insane for wanting this, but I think it would be amazing for 3D Animation (or Motion Capture) and Digital Cinema to get to do a project together. After all, that kind of thing happens in the real world a lot.

I'll have to run it by the right people and see what they think. I don't mind people saying no, but I have to at least ask...

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