Tuesday, March 23, 2010

People as Props & Props as People Pitch (Teddy Bear Wars)

For this assignment, I've had a past idea crop back up into my head. This idea originated in an IPC project relating to progression in relation to materialism (China versus U.S.A.). It then progressed and was recycled as an idea for a Photoshop project in design systems.

I propose taking this idea and recycling it yet again, but putting a new spin on it. These teddy bears remain still and toy-like when a person is around, but when the people leave, they resume war with one another. There will be two groups. One group consists of identical white teddy bears with military uniforms. The other will have more variety. The second will likely be different kinds and colors of teddy bears to show a less carbon-copy army. These two groups battle ever time the humans leave the house. In fact, they have been battling for control of the house for so long, that they have forgotten why they are fighting each other or why they even want control of the house, which apparently has to do with which group gets to stay in the youngest member of the human family's bedroom.

The following is test footage from how I attempted to get the bear to move without touching him with my hands. I used wire to give myself better control over the bear's moments, but fishing line or thread, if attached to two separate places on the bear, would probably also give a fairly wide range of mobility.

Inspirations include:

Toy Story

One Piece: Episode 71: "Huge Duel! The Giants Dorry and Broggy!" <- Two giants who have been fighting each other for so long that they don't remember why they are fighting.

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