Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Filming Sock of Love

So, this whole process was really stressful. There was a lot of miscommunication back and forth. Stephanie bailed 2 days before we needed to shoot, so we had to get a replacement for Victoria. Being ready at the time we designated to start didn't always happen. For instance, we wasted a good hour on Saturday because the first thing we had to shoot required us to use the camera battery. Whoever had the camera forgot to charge the batteries the night before, so that added a lot of stress. Another thing we took away from this is just how important it is to keep some snacks & water on hand. Keeping your actors happy is a big part of getting the shot. If they're not happy, your job becomes harder and every is just in a bad mood.

Saturday was just one of those days where no one was really getting what they wanted and tempers were running high. We all had different ideas, little battery to film with for about half the day, and overall, it was just really difficult to get anyone on the same page. Another problem was the fact that the sock was never long enough. We just kept capturing his arm in almost every take. We had to get so close to our actress's face that it was bordering cheesy.
In the evening, strangely enough, things got better. One of the more grouchy actors was finally allowed to leave, and we had another batch of fresh actors waiting in the wings to do the next scenes, so everything went a lot faster. I also think the fact that we had a larger span of time to work in DA Media took a lot of Friday's pressure off.

Again, when I was on camera, I'm not particularly happy with the shots I made. I think I need a lot more practice before I'm going to be a good camera person.

By Sunday, I was really glad we weren't filming much. We were all really tired, so it seemed fitting that our actress got to lay around a lot in her shots.
For the house shots, there was one thing that really made me unhappy. There was a series of shots where she is sitting in front of the TV... and the TV is supposed to be lighting her face. But to be honest, the TV really doesn't give off much light when the room you're working in isn't completely dark. I kept being told not to bother lighting the shot, but it just doesn't look right when I play it back on screen.

All in all, this was a frustrating to film to shoot. I'm really glad we're at the editing stage.

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