Monday, April 12, 2010

Tokyo Story Movie Review

I think for the day, it was probably a pretty well-received movie, especially since it made it over seas from Japan at a time when the country was still getting used to being out of isolation. The movie itself I found, dragged a lot in the plot line. Scenes like extended shots of numbers in the train station or an empty door for several seconds after someone walked out of the room were almost bothersome in length and could have easily been taken out. Close-ups were sometimes odd as well, because when a woman's head was turned halfway, the close-up would be dead-on, making the lack of angle throw off the line of sight from the viewer. Overall, there was just a lot of information that didn't need to be there, and in fact made the movie drag more because it was included. It took me several tries to get through this movie. I'm glad to finally be done.

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