Friday, January 29, 2010

The Movie Vertigo

Like many of the movies on the list to watch for this class, it didn't get very high ratings on my netflix cue, which is probably why I had to watch it on three separate days to get all the way through it. All that aside though, the movie's plot was a bit too repetitive. All of the sound in movies from Alfred Hitchcock (crow sounds & in this movie, the music) is a bit obnoxious and repetitive. The idea was interesting in science fiction, but unrealistic. The first issue being that no person would be completely unaware of a single car following them for so many hours and days at a time. Also, the relationship events that occurred were severely unlikely. Married women do not simply decide to have an affair with a man they meet for the first time, and unmarried women wouldn't put up with being turned into someone from a man's past relationship.

Another thing about this movie was that it dragged on for far too long. There were far too many stops along the way to get to the main point. Something that should have been done and over in an hour or an hour and a half was dragged out for over two hours. All in all, this was not my favorite film.

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