Sunday, August 5, 2012

Resident Evil 6: Things you may have missed...

So I found myself going frame by frame in one or two of the Resident Evil 6 trailers.  If you're a fan of the series...  There are a few things I've found that I think are interesting and you may have missed.

 Yes, in this first image, Chris is pushing a camera man out of the way, probably telling him not to film.  Why a journalist would be filming amidst the chaos, I have no earthly idea, but apparently he is.

This image seems to indicate that Chris may have been actually infected with something.  Going along with Leon's insane story in RE 4, this may not be too far off the mark.  It'll be interesting to find out what goes on with Piers at the same time.

So here's an interesting picture.  Leon gets a little heated and demands information from Sherry.  We know that Jake pushes Leon, but Sherry also tries to intervene.

I believe this might be the bus that you see them getting on.  It seems to be rolling.  At first I thought it was the plane, but his wardrobe is completely different.  So there's no way it's the plane.

A continuation of the last scene.  You see right.  Leon is grabbing Helena.

Helena is boarding a bus and Leon is guarding the entrance.  From the trailer it appears that they may be trying to lead other survivors onboard, but that remains to be seen.

We've seen over the years that Leon has gotten extremely comfortable around Ada.... perhaps more than he should.  A prime example is this shot.  Remember the days when Leon used to point his gun at Ada when she showed up?  No longer...

Yet another part where Leon is helping out Helena.

See that flying girl?  That's Sherry.  See that guy on the bike?  That's Jake... See the connection?

Jake actually ends up getting halfway off his bike to help Sherry get on... while it's spinning.  What a gentlemen.

Here Jake is driving the bike and the person shooting towards the camera is Sherry.

I'm sure most of you have noticed this, but it deserves to be here.  Look how concerned he is.... :D

Direct revival to the heart...

Jake is injecting himself, probably the same way Wesker had to.

Yes, that's Jake jumping onto a moving helicopter.

I'm not exactly sure where this is taken, but it looks a lot like a plane, doesn't it?

Leon is being lifted off the ground wrestling style by a massive zombie.

The zombie that Leon is fighting is Likely one of Chris's unit...

Sherry and Jake are being taken away by zombies.  Why?  We don't know.  But both she and Jake are very upset...

Remember that bus that Leon and Helena got on?  I think it found a zombie road block...

This looks like a possible survivor or a zombie.  In the next part, the bus explodes.

Recognize Sherry's coat?  Is she bleeding?  Looks bad...

This is the guy from when Helena and her sister are locked up.  Watch the pendent around his neck.

Here is the new director telling Leon and Helena to "turn themselves in." See the resemblance?

This is a document that Ada is looking at.  Recognize anyone?  Who is that lady?

Same guy is telling Ada that she'll be responsible for infecting the world.  What you might have missed is that Ada is a confirmed character for the series, but there's also another character that looks just like her who is referred to as "unknown woman."  That would mean that there are essentially two Adas.  The real one and the fake one.  What we don't know is whether Ada is being framed or if she's in on it.

This is from the scene before where Leon is helping Helena again.  Looks like she took a pretty bad spill.

Remember that part where Leon is pointing his gun at the president?  He begs, he pleads, and then he screams something before he shoots.  So what is he screaming?  Actually, Leon and the President were good friends, but because Leon was his personal guard, he attempted to keep their relationship as professional as possible... At least he did until the end when he revealed how he truly felt.  Before he shot the President, Leon screamed the President's first name which is "Adam."

And for you Jake and Sherry fans, here's something that recently surfaced...